Camroden Associates, Inc.
Design Assistance
Copyright Camroden Associates, Inc.
7240 E. Carter Rd.
Westmoreland, NY 13490
Desigining a new building? Make sure you don't design in a problem.
Our extensive forensic experience lets us help your design team keep problems out.

We offer design assistance to designers, builders, building owners and other project stakeholders from the conceptual stage through building commissioning and final acceptance.

We begin by helping set goals. Setting a definative and measurable
performance target is an important first step in designing a high performance building.

During the pre-design stage we investigate design concepts that
consider the environment, climate, building envelope, materials and
mechanical equipment, and other features that impact building

As the ideas begin to take shape during the schematic design stage we perform simulations to predict the building's performance. We use
powerful simulation software to model the heat, moisture,and contaminant transfer properties of building assemblies such as walls, roofs, foundations, windows and doors.

Even the most experienced construction team can have problems with
unfamiliar design details and procedures. During the construction phase we ensure details are understood and properly incorporated.

Follow-up after construction is vital for verifying the design intent was
met. The best way to ensure this is through building and system
commissioning as well as proper operation and maintenance. We help prepare commissioning requirements and O&M Plans.